Late this afternoon, the Ashe County Chamber of Commerce sent out a "SPECIAL" email message to announce that Republican-elect Jonathan C. Jordan will be sworn at, err, sworn in on Saturday at the Taj Mahal in Jefferson.
We all knew that counselor Jordan is a member of the Chamber Board of Directors but we were a bit astonished that the Chamber has allowed its email list to be co-opted by a young fellow who still can't decide whether closing Mt. Jefferson State Natural Area is a bad thing. (We're guessing that Art Pope hasn't yet told him whether this is an acceptable proposal.)
Nonetheless, our new fearless leader, Mister Jordan, goes on in his Chamber-delivered message to quote from the Gospel of the Gipper: "As President Reagan said in his 1981 Inaugural Address, "The economic ills we suffer have come upon us over several decades. They will not go away in days, weeks or months, but they will go away."
We think we're supposed to be inspired by this, but we're just not feeling any tingles.
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